I'm Matheus Almeida, a Brazilian Product Designer based in Argentina. I'm passionate about crafting innovative, user-centric digital solutions. As a graduate of ESPM-SP's Advertising program, I apply a deep understanding of user needs and market trends to my work.

You can see my full resume here:


Below, I leave you with a brief summary of it and you can also go back to my Portfolio with this link 👋 Welcome to my portfolio!


Product Coordinator at Taqe - HR Solutions

01/2024 - 06/2024

Streamlined Product Development: Led the design and implementation of seamless transition processes between product and technology teams, ensuring efficient collaboration.

Product Innovation: Spearheaded the identification of promising opportunities for new digital products, fostering growth and competitive advantage.

Product Portfolio Optimization: Conducted meticulous reviews of the company's product portfolio, identifying and addressing flaws to enhance user experience and market competitiveness.

Cross-Functional Collaboration: Fostered collaboration between product and technology teams, as well as other departments within the company, promoting clear communication, the exchange of innovative ideas, and a more efficient and synergistic development process.

Data-Driven Decision Making: Utilized research and user insights to identify opportunities and inform product roadmap development.

Positive Impact: Contributed significantly to the company's growth and competitive edge through effective product coordination and design expertise.

Product Designer (UX/UI) at Taqe - HR Solutions

05/2023 - 01/2024